Brotherhood Ministry Goals
To increase participation in men’s activities through communication and follow-up.
- Attend Sunday morning prayer service, especially on 4th Sundays
- Attend mid-week worship service on Tuesday nights
- Actively participate with the Male Chorus
To promote spiritual growth and development by encouraging participation in the teaching components of the church and by encouraging the brothers to take on more leadership roles.
- Attend Sunday School
- Attend prayer service and bible study
To mentor young men at St. Mary and in the local community.
- Target young men ages 12-25
- Target at risk youth
To become involved in evangelistic outreach
- Witnessing door-to-door
- Peer-to-peer witnessing
- Coordinate with the sick and Shut-in Ministry
Partner with the Women of Glory in an outreach effort
- Target senior citizens for home beautification
- Assist seniors and widows with grass cutting, yard cleaning, tree planting, etc.
To foster Christian fellowship among all brothers of all ages.
- Boys and men lock-in
- Brotherhood fellowships and socials
To provide support and assistance to all ministries of the church as needed.